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Online Booking System
for all service based industries

Simply define your services and providers, display their availability, and you will have clients both old and new making bookings 24/7.

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Main Features

Accept online booking

Customers can quickly pick services, employees, location, date and time, and the payment details, and change any of the settings without leaving the page.

Notifications via Email

Reminders to staff and clients whenever appointments are booked, cancelled or rescheduled.

Accept payment

Apoint comes with Paypal, Stripe and on site payment gateway integrated by default which you can use to get started with selling your service

Multiple durations

You can define multiple rates and duration of a service, so customers can easily choose the amount of duration they want.

WC Integreated

Apoint works in the core of the WooCommerce plugin enables you to use the full potential of this worderful plugin from cart to checkout

Export calendar

Easily filter and export booking list by timestamp, per customer, and by status with export apointment function

Step-by-step Booking Wizard

Customers can quickly pick services, employees, location, date and time, and the payment details, and change any of the settings without leaving the page.

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Insightful Admin Dashboard

Apoint provides business owners and managers with a dashboard page that summarizes all business-critical and displays them in widgets, charts

Admin Calendar View

Admin and employees can track the appointments in a dynamic calendar view. The calendar can be filtered by employee, service or employee and easy re-schedule appoinment by drag & drop on calendar

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One-Stop Solution for Service Businesses

Awesome Support!

Let our supporter help you with setting up the system!

  • Real immediate chat
  • Highly qualified, praised by hundreds of users
  • Tracking history via support forum
Create ticket
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Book an Appointment

Choose location
Choose category
Choose service
Services Extra
Choose service extra
Choose employee
Date & Time
Choose date & time
Fill your information
Confirm Order
Confirm and payment
Add to Calendar

Select location

Fitness studio
6FJ5+V8 Shermantown, Nevada, United States
Pri explicari dissentiet ad, pro ei probo solet repudiandae
Stillpoint Yoga
Unit D, London SE8 4HL, United Kingdom
Ne qui doming efficiendi. Cibo homero eu cum
No999 , London SE8 4HL, United Kingdom
Ne qui doming efficiendi. Cibo homero eu cum

Select category

Cu quis mucius noluisse sed.
Per in deleniti evertitur congue
In appetere molestiae mei
Mei et viderer debitis signiferumque

Select service

Body Building
Basic Meditation
Zumba Aerobics
Cibo Yoga
Doming Mediation
Biram Mediation
Hota Yago
Vinat Pilate
Parnet Pilate

Select service extra

Aerobic excise
5.00 15 minutes

Select employee

Laddy Gaga
Hana Marry
David Jame
Adam Smith

Select date & time


Your information

Please enter first name
Please enter last name
Please enter email
Please enter phone

Confirm order

  • Location :
    345 Gymer, Hondurat
  • Employee :
    Peter Smith
  • Date :
  • Time :
    10:00 - 10:55
  • Tax :
  • Sub total :
  • Discount :
  • Total price :
  • Onsite payment
  • Paypal
  • Stripe

Appointment booked

Thank you! Your booking is complete. An email with detail of your booking has been send to you.